Cacao & Me
Hello, my name is Gloria Dominguez Martinez, better known as Cacao Queen or Mama Bombon. My passion- my life journey, is enjoying traveling the world discovering cacao plantations and the fascinating stories of the people behind this magical bean, often referred to as “Black Gold” and “The Food of Gods". Now is a time in my life where I have big aspirations to contribute from downstream up, including the women's empowering approach. My purpose is strong, and my vision is clear. I am grateful for the value exchange of prosperity to create more abundance around the world. I see benefits and gifts in every opportunity, I choose to live in my truth, and this gives others the inspiration to live in theirs, creating wealth and using it as a tool to do good. I am here to serve with love and passion and creativity in all I do, with the absolute commitment to my mission with the cacao I represent. Thank you for your support to our mission, contributing to a better and healthier life in the cacao industry.