Words from Cacao of Excellence Netherlands Awards.
We thank you for the participation in the 2023 Edition of Cacao of Excellence Awards. Cacao of Excellence recently completed the blind sensory evaluation of the 222 samples received from 52 origins from this 2023 edition.
The evaluation follows a rigorous process based on protocols recently published in the Guide of Assessments of Cacao Quality and Flavour. We are happy to inform you that the cacao bean sample produced by Koperasi Kakao Kerta Semaya Samaniya, has been selected as part of the best 50. We extend our warmest congratulations to you on this well deserved achievement! It is a reflection of dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence behind this cacao.

The heart and mind supporting Bali Gold is Ni Made Budhi Ayu Anggreni, more usually called Bibi. She is one of the 609 Cacao Lestari farmers, a program that empowers cacao farmers in Jembrana Regency, West Bali. It focuses on improving the quality of cacao beans through the fermentation process, GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) and certification. Empowering female farmers and engaging young people intensively is being done with the aim of increasing the added value at the farm level, which overall results in the improvement of farmers’ welfare.
Bibi emphasizes the importance of fermentation and considers this as the basic principle of processing the cacao beans she produces. Without fermentation, quality improvement would not be achieved, and it's economic value would forever remain low at the farm level. Therefore together with other Kakao Lestari farmers, Bibi is committed to improving the profile of Indonesian Cacao beans that have been recognised by world orgsnisations, with single origin and EU Organic certification under their belt. Bibi initiated a centre to improve the cacao’s quality and production. Her actions have made her one of the Kakao Lestari women farmers pioneers, pushing for change. To improve the cacao’s quality, she is responsible for all the processes involved in the centre. In addition, she is also an active participant of TfT (Training for Trainers) specifically the Gender 5 to 5; an acceleration program for women farmers who are practicing cacao cultivation techniques using sustainable methods. The program initially trains five women farmers. Each of these women farmers is responsible for passing down the content and knowledge obtained during the training to five other farmers. At the end of the training period, there will be 25 female farmers ready and able to further disseminate the information to others.
Since 2011 Kalimajari, Bibi's Non-Governmental Organisation has worked together with the cacao farmers and the Kerta Semaya Samaniya Cooperative in Jembrana, West Bali. Programs are still up and running with the principle that we can support each other by the PPP (Public Private Partnership) approach. We are working together to support the farmers to stay in cacao with incentives that improve their quality of life. Our program focuses both downstream and upstream, starting from how to support their farm with the Good Agriculture Practices, GAP for short as a collaboration with a research institute to find as many high potential farmers as possible, so they can self teach each other. Another great lesson in my program is the principle of "seeing is believing”. Farmers will do a great job if they can see the results. We ensure to have an honest and down to earth mentality. We prepare a demo plot farm, centre of fermentation, and create many trainings to support our farmers. Until now Kalimajari have been working with 609 farmers from 38 Subak Abian cacao farmer groups who are members of the cooperative. More that 65% request for fermented beans with organic standards. Not an easy process to get the organic certification Kalimajari, KSS cooperative and for sure the farmers must be working together hand in hand for the big effort; and since 2017 our first certification was in, the certificate holder being the KSS cooperative. As a part of our task here in Jembrana, we are also carrying out the task to solve how this program can be sustainable with the district government.
Gender is very important to us. Empowering women's program is not just restricted by the 5 to 5 general program but we also offer a special program to prepare women and youth farmers in Jembrana and Bali. Since 2016 we have mainly focused on the women program, because they play a big role and are very important for value chain in cacao. We prepare them for training in GAP, by making organic pesticides all organised and produced by themseleves. We want more women to care about their impact and have a good participation in the cacao process, that's why we are very happy seeing all this good progress.

We are very proud to be part of GALS (Gender Action Learning for Sustainability)
We have two key points for specific meaning about the GALS.
This means about how the men and women, the husband and wife are united under the household, so they can work together, supporting each other as a family to put their big dreams and hopes for the cacao in the future. For the effort to not be one sided, but together as a family and a team. This is the reason that we call it equality. The principle of gender is not just about the woman’s participation but is more deeply about the access and control of their farm, as a team.
Gender action for sustainability
what is this you might be asking. In other words, we are talking about the supply changes and commodity,in this case cacao. We mean gender equality in decision taking between men and women to support a cause about the sustainability of cacao. Everyone is delighted to be learning about these skills separated into three sections. We call it 'advanced trainings about gender'.
We are also very proud to be aligning with 8 of the 13 sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations hoping to be met by 2030. These include
The decrease of poverty
To stop famine and malnutrition
The right that everyone deserves the highest quality of education
Gender equality
Healthy work environment and economy growth
Sustainable living within communities and the city
Taking a stance against climate change
Following the ways of partner for good, catering to the needs of the community